Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the Slovak Republic
Setting up the right strategy for state institution in online space
For the largest provider of social and counseling services we managed to set up communication with citizens of Slovak Republic. Services of the ministry and all of its departments are used by thousands of citizens every day. That was the reason why we had to improve overall communication strategy while sticking to a strictly defined "tone of voice". It was both a challenge and valuable experience at the same time.
Ministry of Labour, social affairs and family has many information, which have to be presented to citizens as soon as possible. Having said that, news and current information have to be published on social media not daily, but almost on hourly base. This requires promptness, professionalism and quick solutions to recent issues.
• state administrative organ
• adjust "tone of voice" for online activities
• define unified graphic design
• create content promptly according to latest news and information
• create and manage a profile on Instagram
Our goals:
During our cooperation we are able to promptly and effectively inform the public about topics, in which they're interested in on social media platforms. Interest of the public can be demonstrated on increased profile traffic.

We managed to set up plan for long-term communication and building credibility of the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the Slovak Republic. We regularly evaluate and adjust this plan according to current situation and needs.
Highlights on Instagram
Statements of the minister Milan Krajniak
In order to obtain representative photo material of minister appearances at press conferences we organize professional photoshoots. Long-term plan with this client is to build awareness and credibility in the digital space. We hope that we will manage to fulfill this plan and our cooperation will continue to be successful.
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